

List of all current teams and leaders of the temple

Mandir Seva Committees

Food committee
- Help coordinate food ordering/ potluck/ serving for temple events

Kitchen committee
- maintain and manage kitchen/ access
- ⁠make sure kitchen is stocked with the needed items

Decoration committee
- help coordinate and manage decorations for Temple events

Facebook/ Insta Social media
- help promote Temple and connect with more people, make posts on social medias to promote temple events pictures etc.

Mandir Website
- Help maintain and enhance Temple website

Exterior campus committee
- help manage and maintain exterior campus

Kids' Cultural
- help come up with Kids' cultural programs for different events

Adults Cultural
- help come up and prepare adult cultural programs for different events

- help recieve temple donations and sponsorships for the temple and it's events

Events / Calendar
- help maintain the temple's calendar
- ⁠help come up with different temple events and their schedule